Since space is very limited, the smallest mouse that could be found was used. The mouse was the Atek Super Mini Optical Mouse which measured 2.36” by .925”. This mouse featured an Agilent H2000 optical chip that was PS2 compatible. The mouse interface to the BS2SX was handled by the PAK VIa from AWC Electronics. Note: a 10K ohm pull up resister is required on the clock or data pin of the mouse to ensure that the mouse is in PS2 mode. Without the resistor, the mouse thinks that it is in USB mode and the PAK can't pick up anything.
The technique to read data from the mouse was to A) clear the PAK VIa registers, B) wait 5 milliseconds, and C) read the PAK VIa buffers. The results were two byte sized variables for the X and Y velocity. |