




ExSpurt Tires

ExSpurt Strategy


Extrasensory II



Excuse II

75 lbs Sumo




Mighty Man


Flaming P'nut



Wall Follower

SPAR Videos


Exhume Front Bumper with five sensor arrayRunt was rebuilt with carbon fiber laminated sheet replacing the extruded aluminum. The chassis is a flat sheet of 1/16” material and the flat scoop is 1/32” material. The five IR sensors are mounted in an extruded aluminum front bumper. All joints were glued with Devcon Plastic Welder adhesive. Both front and rear axles pivoted on rubber grommets. The drive servos, wheels, and tires were identical to the old Runt. The total weight of the rebuilt robot was less than 1 Kilogram.
Exhume servo drivelineThe control system and programming were substantially changed. The servo electronics driving the H bridge were replaced with a Micro Dual Serial Control from Pololu. This change greatly simplified the programming (eliminating the need for tight timing controls). Eight AA nickel-metal hydride batteries resulted in a speed of 25.7 inches per second.
The software was written in three separate programs (the BS2SX has the capability of holding up to eight separate programs):
  1. Initial setup, set start routine, set start direction
  2. Run start routine
  3. Search and destroy
Four start routines were initially programmed:
  1. Direct search
  2. Backward search
  3. Runaway
  4. Loop

Separate right and left alternatives were available for each start routine.

Another feature was added. If the sensors saw the same thing too many times, alternative patterns were implemented.

Exhume Molded Polyurethane TiresFor the February, 2003 Northeast Indiana Robot Games, lead was added to get up to 2 pounds 15.2 ounces (the class limit is 3 pounds). With silicone molded tires, the sumo could push 5 pounds 8 ounces. With urethane molded tires, push dropped to 5 pounds even! I don’t know why that happened. The event was run with the urethane tires anyway. The new sumo was entered with the old name of “Runt” and easily won the class. After the event the new Runt and Sticky squared off and neither could push the other.
Exhume 1Kg SumoNo more development work was done on this sumo as work was begun on its replacement. It was entered in the August, 2003 Northeast Indiana Robot Games with the name “Exhume” since it is really built from the dead Runt. Exhume won with considerable more difficulty that the previous event. For the 2004 Winter NEIRG, the 2004 Summer NEIRG, and the Peoria 2005 Exhume was entered in exactly the same configuration as the previous Robot Games. Exhume won against relatively weak fields.

Videos of the Peoria Competition:

Exhume vs BJ Exhume vs BJ